

Friday, January 16, 2009

Most Expensive Hair Cut Ever

So back in October Ben and I went to this luncheon for the Idaho Falls Magazine and won a door prize for a $150 hair treatment and cut and $50 in product.  On Wednesday I finally redeemed this prize at the Brian Young salon.  It was really interesting.  Brian Young is the salon owner and the only stylist.  He schedules one person to be in his salon at a time.  This isn't creepy though because the space is big and open and has floor to ceiling windows facing the street.  

He first had me fill out a little questionnaire about my hair, then he brought me some slippers to wear.  The hair treatment was supposed to condition and remove build-up from my hair.  So he put all this product in and then put me under an Ozone steamer thing for 15 minutes while I ate mint chocolate truffles and drank bottled water.  Then I got a shampoo and a cut (Hollywood style according to Brian) and a professional style.  It was really fun!  My hair felt great afterward and even today after washing it with my new fancy shampoo!  So it was actually the cheapest hair cut I've ever had (free) besides the one I gave myself in first grade, but if I could ever round up the $150 to blow on a hair cut, I'd do it again in a second!


Rachel said...

How fun, I can't wait to see it!

Benner said...

Hollywood style? I'm living with a movie star. I love your hair honey! I really do. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to afford 150 dollar hair cuts some day...

Lori said...

Your hair does look great! How fun to be pampered for once.

Duncan Family said...

how pictures! I wanna see! Wish i could afford a hair cut like that!!!