Needless to say, that was my last night working, but not for that reason alone. That fun filled week was also when my morning sickness hit!!! Yay! I'm pregnant again! 24 weeks and doing really well especially since my morning sickness is all but gone (if you can say that it ever really goes away until the baby comes, I still have to eat every three hours religiously!). We found out the gender this time. Mostly because we are hopefully moving to Texas this spring. It was really fun to not find out with Julia and if it weren't for the uncertainty of our plans I think we would have waited again. I had a feeling from the beginning that it was a boy and IT IS A BOY!!! No definite name ideas yet.
Julia has changed so much in the last couple months! She took her first independent steps the day before her first birthday, November 24, but didn't start really walking until December 4 which was the same day Bruce and Kiri's baby Crosby Hyde was born! She is now running everywhere all the time! She's very smart too (well probably average baby smart, but it still amazes me!) She can say mommy and daddy. She says no, uh oh, doggy, shoes, ball, snow and I'm sure some other stuff that I just don't recognize as words yet. She can also tell you what a bee, a doggy, a cow, horse, rooster, lion, monkey, bird and a kitty cat say. Bee is my favorite because she makes like a long gurgling J sound! Really cute! Her last day with a binky was November 30. I took her to the doctor for her one year appointment and was asking the doctor about giving her a bottle before bed (that's what we do before every nap and bed, she has a bottle, then I lie her down and she falls asleep on her own). Anyway, he said that he reccomends getting rid of bottles and binkies by 14 months so we were doing ok. I wasn't really thinking and had it in my mind that we had like 6 months. Then I got home and realized that was only 2 months away. So that night I decided to just try and lay here down with out here binky (we still had a bottle) and she went right to sleep! The next couple days were a little rougher than usual, but nothing absolutely terrible, and now we are binky free!! Still hooked on the bottle though, not to fall asleep with, just to relax with right before bed.
So here are some pictures of the last several months! Enjoy!

I made that stocking!

and those pajamas!
Julia with Aunt Kimi at her first birthday party!

My pink marshmallow!

This was in Coeur d'Alene at our friends wedding. congrats Bryce and Shawna!
Julia was Tigger for Halloween