

Monday, January 12, 2009

It was a long day in the hospital.  We went in at 7 a.m. for a scheduled induction, everything went well during the morning.  I got the epidural around 11 and started pushing about 4 p.m.  Julia was facing up in the birth canal so I had a lot of lower back pain and she really didn't want to come out that way.  Her heart rate stayed ok though so they let me keep pushing until around 7 p.m. when she suddenly turned and crowned.  So for like three hours the nurse and Ben and my mom were all telling me to push! push harder!! and then all of the sudden I wasn't supposed to push anymore until the doctor got there!  I was pretty much delirious by this point, but I remember yelling, "Get the doctor right now!" or something to that effect and slapping my leg.  You do funny things when you're half naked in front of half a dozen people, high on anesthesia, and extremely exhausted!  Anyway, Dr. Huggins got there very quickly and I got to push some more.  The cord was wrapped around the baby's neck so the doctor quickly cut it and the nurses started working on her to make sure she was breathing well.  
So little Julia was born at 7:28 p.m. on November 25, 2008.  She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.  She is the most beautiful thing in the world!  She and I are both doing very well.  We just stay home and veg most days.  We are best buds! 


BB said...

Holli! I'm so glad you found my blog!!! I was so sad when we lost our cell phone...I got your message, but I couldn't call you because we didn't have long distance, OR your phone number! So you'll have to call us so we can have your number again. Our cell phone number is the same as it was before.
Julia is SO CUTE!! I can't wait to see her in person. She and Audrey should become the best of friends. Congrats again on a beautiful baby! Love you!!

Benner said...

What a hottie!

Brandon and Bethany said...

I'm so glad you updated! :-D I love those pregnancy pictures. Everyone always asks you to take them, but I hated them! You look beautiful of course!

I hope everything is wonderful! Someday I get to meet Julia!